Share faith, hope

and Jesus on Alpha.

Alpha Online is a multi-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about life, faith and Jesus.

Why Alpha?

During moments of uncertainty and physical distancing, finding creative ways to continue to meet together is more vital than ever. 

Nicky Gumbel, the pioneer of Alpha, believes that now is the greatest evangelistic opportunity of his lifetime. Many Alpha guests are saying they would never have never considered walking into a church to do Alpha, but they feel comfortable exploring faith online.

How can I get involved?

  • Invite

    80% of guests who come to Alpha attend because of a personal invitation. Start praying about who God may be calling you to invite. Alpha is an opportunity to invite your friends to hear the gospel and explore a relationship with Jesus. You can even attend with them!

  • Volunteer

    Sign up to be a small group host or helper. We use the terms “host” and “helper” because on Alpha it’s less about being a leader and more about helping to facilitate a conversation. We want people to feel welcomed and included. The format is not teacher/student, but rather host/guest.

  • Pray

    Participate in 11:02 Prayer - Set your alarm for 11:02 everyday and pray for three friends you would like to invite to Alpha or to church.

Alpha Online

2021 Dates

Team Training

Thursday, March 18 at 7 pm


Alpha Online

Thursdays from 7:00-8:30 pm

April 8-June 10, 2021

Session Full


Contact us at

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